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AI演绎下的EVE飞船设计 无尽使者级(Endless Herald)

2023-07-06 18:42:15 来源:哔哩哔哩


无尽使者级(Endless Herald)是一款属于天蛇族的无畏级货物飞船,在EVE游戏中扮演着重要的角色。它以天蛇族特有的护盾防御和强大的磁轨炮为特色,同时还具备一系列令人瞩目的飞船特色。除了护盾防御和磁轨炮,"无尽使者级"还拥有一项独特的能力——起跳速度加成。一旦起跳速度达到50%,该飞船便能获得免疫干扰的加成。这使得它能够在跃迁时更加灵活和安全,减少被敌人干扰的风险。这一能力使得"无尽使者级"成为快速部署和迅速回避危险的理想选择。


The Endless Herald, a dreadnought-class cargo ship belonging to the Serpentis faction, plays a significant role in EVE's universe. It features the unique attributes of the Serpentis faction, excelling in shield defense and armed with powerful railguns, making it a formidable force in terms of defensive a Serpentis vessel, the Endless Herald boasts exceptional shield technology, allowing it to effectively withstand enemy attacks. Equipped with advanced shield generators and amplifiers, it possesses a robust defensive barrier, enabling it to endure sustained enemy fire and handle various threats with terms of armament, the Endless Herald is armed with potent railguns. These railguns launch high-velocity magnetic projectiles, dealing devastating damage to adversaries. The Serpentis faction's proficiency in railgun usage sets the Endless Herald apart, making it an undeniable force to be reckoned with in combat. Whether confronting pirate assaults or participating in large-scale battles, its railguns can precisely target enemies, inflicting destructive , the Endless Herald has unique capabilities that enhance its defensive capabilities and agility. Firstly, it possesses a jump speed bonus, granting it immunity to disruption effects once its jump speed reaches 50%. This allows for more flexible and secure warp travel, reducing the risk of interference from enemies. Additionally, the ship's customizable fittings allow for the installation of either defensive or warp speed modules. In a group setting, when accompanied by four or more teammates, the ship receives corresponding bonuses to its defensive capabilities or warp speed. This feature enables the Endless Herald to excel in cooperative efforts, providing additional defense and maneuverability support to summary, the Endless Herald, with its exceptional shield defense, powerful railguns, and noteworthy ship features, stands as a masterpiece among Serpentis dreadnought-class cargo ships. Its jump speed bonus grants it advantages in rapid deployment and evasive maneuvers, while its customizable fittings and team synergy bonuses enhance its adaptability and effectiveness in various scenarios. The Endless Herald embodies the strength and honor of the Serpentis faction, serving as a symbol of their might in the vast universe of EVE.

